
During my years as a POW I developed a personal philosophy; Human potential is nothing more than a state of mind, controlled by what you believe you can do and the amount of energy you are willing to expend. Marnie’s life is a living, breathing example of that philosophy and her book documents the results one can achieve by following that philosophy. This book is a “must read” for those yet to discover the secret to a wonderful, fulfilling life.
COL. EDWARD L. HUBBARD | USAF (Retired), Author, Speaker

Marnie’s “journey to greatness” shared in A Passion for Living touches your heart and causes you to reflect on times you’ve “settled” in your own life! The stories will inspire you to push the limits of your comfort zone, live life to the fullest and challenge the legacy you are leaving.
PEGGY BROCKMAN | John Maxwell Team Speaker, Trainer, Coach

Marnie Tate empowers us with engaging stories and inspiring ideas to live a life of passion. Her optimism, positivity and enlightened wisdom illustrate how to navigate our own journeys with grace, dignity and joy.
SUSAN YOUNG | Author, Speaker, Trainer

Marnie’s book is a testament to what one can achieve with a positive attitude. From her tough times to her triumphs, you will be inspired as you travel the journey with her. You will experience her joy as she discusses her adventures and her quest to leave her life as a legacy. “A Passion for Living” will impact your life in a big way.
JOE SWEENEY | New York Times Best Selling Author of “Networking is a Contact Sport”